About Us
ITS Tennessee is your connection to transportation professionals throughout the state, and even into adjoining states. Membership will provide you linkages in the areas of:
• Business Development
• Advocacy and Policy
• Networking Opportunities
• Technical Leadership
You will be up to date on industry developments and market activities. You’ll also have a forum for promoting your business and innovations in the ITS field. As a local chapter of ITS America, we are a voice in the Tennessee legislature concerning ITS initiatives and legal issues. And finally, you’ll have a local resource to call on for those ITS issues that are close to home. You do not need to be a member of ITS America to join ITS Tennessee, although you will benefit by membership in both organizations.
Our Mission
The mission of ITS Tennessee is to promote cooperation and foster a statewide public, private, and academic partnership to make the urban and rural surface transportation system in Tennessee safer, more effective, and more efficient by accelerating the identification, development, integration, and deployment of advanced technologies.
Our Goals
We believe that ITS is a valuable tool for improved management of any transportation system, regardless of the inherent complexity of the system. ITS can help operate, manage, and maintain the system once it has been constructed. We believe that ITS should be systematically incorporated into the earliest stages of project development, especially into the planning and design of transportation projects. We believe the best way to achieve this is through a coordinated, comprehensive program to “get the word out” on ITS to constituencies that might not otherwise consider the relevance of ITS to their transportation system.