The Member Training and Certification
The Nominations and Awards Committee annually solicits and recommends candidate(s) for ITS Tennessee scholarship(s). A new scholarship entitled “ITS TN Member Training & Certification Scholarship” is now available to public and private sector nominees in which their respective organizations* are members of ITS Tennessee and whom reside in Tennessee.
This scholarship assists those seeking to advance their skill set, through additional training and certification courses, to better serve their organizations and the ITS industry in Tennessee. This scholarship amount is up to $1500 annual reimbursement for successfully being accepted to and scheduled in technical or certification coursework. Proof of application and acceptance into the course will be required in any scholarship application, as well as proof of payment. This reimbursement is also available to members who have paid for certification courses in the past 12 months, out of their own pocket (i.e. not paid by employer), to further their career and technical skills. Supporting documentation will be required.
It is expected that multiple individuals may apply and be awarded this scholarship money; however, if applicable, one individual may be reimbursed the full amount, based on ITS TN Board approval.
Applicants must describe their current role and reasoning for taking the certification/technical class, as well as how it will improve themselves and their work in Tennessee.
Award of this scholarship shall not include requests for reimbursement for attendance to annual conferences or other organization’s technical forums, webinars, etc., but rather certification coursework or specific training classes. Examples of this include TTAP training, IMSA Signal Technician certification, Fiber Optic certification, etc.
Current students that are going full-time to a college or university are not eligible for this scholarship.
Part-time students who are employed by a member organization in a full-time capacity are eligible for this scholarship.
Applications will be reviewed and awards presented on a rolling basis as applications are submitted. ​