The Student
The Nominations and Awards Committees annually solicit and recommend candidate(s) for ITS Tennessee scholarship(s). A new scholarship entitled “ITS TN Student Scholarship” is now available to students pursuing an education in Intelligent Transportation or a related field.
This scholarship assists those seeking to pursue an education and career in Intelligent Transportation Systems. This scholarship is granted for one academic year. The total amount to be awarded in 2025 is $4,000. ITS Tennessee will determine if the amount will be split into a primary and secondary award based on merit and strength of applications received. Payment will be made directly to the institution the student will be attending in the 2025 academic year. In addition, the winner receives an all-expense paid trip (registration, lodging, meals, travel per mile) to attend the ITSTN Awards Meeting with recognition at the awards ceremony and a one-year student membership in ITSTN. 2025 Annual Meeting will be hosted in Knoxville, TN, April 29-May 1, 2025.
Both under-graduate and graduate students are eligible for consideration. It is expected that applicants are students pursuing a degree in engineering or a field of study related to intelligent transportation.
1. Applicant must either be a full-time student at an academic institution of higher learning or a full-time employee of an ITSTN Agency Member and must have been accepted to study in an intelligent transportation related field. An employee working for a Non-Member Agency shall have worked as a full-time employee in the discipline of intelligent transportation for at least one year.
2. Applicants must be pursuing higher education and enrolled in an accredited college, university, community college, or technical school.
3. Undergraduates must have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher and graduate students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Applications may be obtained from any member Agency or from Michael Rebick, ITS TN Nominations and Awards Committee Chair, at the address below.
Every applicant must submit an application form, completed in full, as well as an essay of 1000 ±50 words on the following topic: “ITS Uses for Pedestrian Safety.” Essays must be original and written solely by the scholarship applicant.
Applicant must also arrange for a letter of reference to be sent directly to ITSTN. The letter must come from a) in case of a full-time student – the faculty advisor from the school you are attending, or b) in case of an agency member or non-member – an Executive from your agency.
Completed applications with essays and letters of reference are to be submitted by email to
Michael Rebick, PE
ITS TN Nominations and Awards Committee
Applications, essays and Letters of Reference must be received on or before March 7, 2025 by 5:00PM (CST).